It's entirely within the realm of possibility that you might have something brilliant to share but we here at The National Daily are not holding our breaths. We do understand, however, that thoughts and ideas can be like bowel movements in that you occasionally just have to set them free.
Therefore, if you really must, then drop us a line down below. But if you do then please don't get your hopes up because we may or may not read one word of it and we most likely won't ever get back to you in this life—nothing personal. And if by some miracle we do get back to you, then consider yourself lucky. Not special, just incredibly lucky.
Have a nice life and thanks for supporting us if you ever did or currently do. Now, please go live your life and don't waste any more time. That said, we'll probably write back because we're cool. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
The National Daily
PS: We really do care.